March 11, 2019

Use a Realtor® or a National Online Service?

Everybody does at least some shopping from their computer or their smartphone these days. You can even buy groceries that way. When buying or listing a home, there’s no doubt that a national website can be of some use but be careful.  There’s a lot it can’t do, say Brian and Laura Lyons Sales of The Sales Team Realtors. Here are three things to think about when comparing a national website to an in-person Realtor: What if you have questions? Especially if you’re new to town, you’ll have questions about schools, shopping, access to major roads and other community questions. It’s […]
March 11, 2019

These Three Free Apps Can Improve Your Home Search

There’s almost nothing you can’t use your smartphone for these days, information-wise. From movie schedules to finding the nearest pizza place to listing the signers of the Declaration of Independence, it’s all there on your phone. Now, the Sales Team Realtors has exciting news for anyone who wants to search for a new home on their smartphone—there are three new and—and free—apps that make that very easy. A recent Google study showed that more and more people are searching for new homes on their smartphone—and millennials in particular are doing it this way. Each of the three apps below offers […]